Currently Available Adults
Click here for our Online Application
Available at Jalerran
Available as Pet/Companions Only.
There is also an online app questionnaire and an hour-long interview.
Exiting Jalerran Fam need only reach out.
Contact Us:
We presently have 4 young females and 1 young male who can reserved now for FUTURE adoption.
We also have several dogs available NOW on custodial/shared agreements.
Additional information can be obtained via email.
If you’re not already ‘owned by’ a Jalerran Siberian, please use the Online Application Questionnaire in order to formally inquire.
(All are healthy, up to date on vaccines and monthly prevention, crate trained, leash trained, and titled, with typical Siberian dispositions. Additional info available.)
Additional information and photos will be available to SERIOUS inquiries who have read through our purchasing policies and contracts, & submitted the online application questionnaire.
Adults Potentially Available in the Future:
To be clear, we are seeking only homes that meet our criteria – we are in no inherent hurry to part with any of our puppies or adults; however, if the ‘right home’ should present itself, we would consider the placement of the following adults or puppies.
Please read through the following information, and submit the online application to be considered.
We have a few young adult females who are available for reservation for future placement into loving, permanent pet homes (after they reach age 6).
If there is a particular adult female you are interested in reserving in advance, please contact us.
We currently have a handful of lovely ladies who are available for FUTURE ADOPTION. You can reserve certain gals now.
Please read additional information outlined below. Adults who are available as show dogs would only be available to approved show homes, who would be interested in continuing with their show careers. They are not available to ‘breeding-only’ homes. So, if you’re not interested in continuing to show adult show-prospects, then it would not be the type of placement we would consider. Furthermore, it is expensive to properly raise/manage and exhibit dogs to an American title. If you’re a show home just looking for a “cheap champion”, we would not have anyone available under that descriptor.
We love all of our dogs, so they are only available to homes that are comparable to, or better than, ours. Otherwise, they will simply remain with us. They must be spayed/neutered, prior to adoption! Reservations are accepted, in advance. These girls/boys would all make wonderful pet/companions; however, each may be better suited to different types of homes. * Contact us for specifics about the disposition of each.
Standard Pricing Guide
- Anyone who had sent a previous deposit is subject to the purchase price in effect at the time when it was sent.
- Anyone who has previously purchased a pet Siberian from Jalerran gets $100 off of the next Siberian.
- All shipping costs, including airport transport, are the responsibility of the purchaser.
Unless it is otherwise noted, the standard prices are in USD and as follows:
Description | Starting Price | Additional Information |
Pet or Show Puppy | $1,400 | Base Price.
Health Guarantee Add-On is Optional. __________________________________ |
Initial Deposit | $100 | Then half of the purchase price is due once a specific puppy has been selected. |
Show Prospect – Older Puppy | $1,400.00 + $100/week, past 8 weeks old (if going overseas). | This usually applies to those going overseas, as they must be old enough to meet import/export requirements. This price does not include expenses related to shipping!
__________________________________ |
Show Co-owns | $1,000 + Terms | See Contract with Show Appendix |
Returned Dogs | Free | If an owner is no longer able to keep their puppy or dog, the contract requires it be returned. Those dogs are available for adoption at no charge. |
Adults – Retiring | FREE | Adult dogs are sometimes available between 6 – 7 years of age.
(if needed, the cost of spay or neuter is the responsibility of the Adopter) $100 non-refundable deposit required in order to reserve. __________________________________ |
Custodial Agreement – (Pet Home) | $1,000.00 | Usually applied to male puppies, who we would’ve otherwise kept. Puppy lives with loving pet-home; but does not get neutered until after a frozen semen collection is done, in Pittsburgh, at age 2 years (at the expense of Jalerran).
Sometimes this agreement is done with a female, where she returns to Jalerran for a litter. AKC registration remains in our name (Jalerran). Pet home is responsible for transport only. Then, said dog is spayed or neuterd, and ownership becomes exclusively that of the pet home. Contact us for additional details about a Custodial Agreement. __________________________________ |
Available Adults
Adult Pet Adoptions: From time to time, we have adult Siberians that are available to loving, permanent pet homes. They are not available to show homes. And they must be spayed/neutered at the new owner’s expense, prior to leaving -no exceptions. It must be ‘the right’ home for each, or they will not leave. There is nothing ‘wrong’ with the dogs. All information about each is outlined below. We simply feel that if a home that is as good, or better, than ours is available to one of our adults, it is only fair to them to allow the dog to retire where they can be A#1 on someone’s couch, without the competition of 5 or 6 other dogs. Our dogs are loved and well maintained – but we continue this effort by being cognizant of our numbers. We only have enough dogs that we can spend individual time with them. So, it is a ‘win-win’ for the new owner, the dog, and us. People who have adopted our adults are typically thrilled to have a lovely companion, without having to go through puppy stages. The owners find it just as easy to bond with an adult as they would a puppy. Siberians can live to be as old as 16-18 years, in some cases. But, even if they lived to 12 years, there is still plenty of time to be enjoyed with them from the point at which we allow them to go to their loving, forever homes. If you wish to be considered for one of these wonderful companions, please begin by reviewing our policies, contracts, and submitting the online application. Thanks!
Adult Show Sales: We get numerous inquiries for adult show dogs. In an effort to assist in ‘weeding through’ those inquiries, we would like to outline some basic requirements and information. If you are interested in an adult show prospect; but, do not meet the following criteria, then please, save yourself the time, and do not fill out the application in order to inquire.
- Showing: We do not sell show dogs solely for breeding purposes. It is our opinion that, before you can be considered a ‘reputable’ breeder, you must learn conformation, structure, and pedigrees. And, that you must be actively involved in a competitive activity – not just breeding. So, if you aren’t interested in becoming a reputable breeder, and maintaining appropriate breeding practices, please do not apply.
- Price: We do not give adult show dogs away for free. In fact, it has been our experience that people have a tendency to de-value adult show dogs, especially when one considers the amount of time and money that goes into properly maintaining good-quality dogs. A basic ‘standard’ pricing list can be found below. These prices are not negotiable. So, if this is out of your price range, please do not apply.
- References: We require and check veterinary and show-community references. If you don’t have any within the showing community, we would not be able to get very far with the application process. If you are brand-new, and would like to explore getting involved with showing, we would be happy to refer you to a mentor in your area.
- Contract: All of our dogs, including adult pet adoptions, have a contract outlining the terms of the sale or adoption. They cannot be re-sold or re-homed without our permission. Getting a dog is a commitment, regardless of whether or not the dog will be strictly a companion/pet, or also serve as a conformation prospect. If you are not willing to sign a contract, or are known to have not followed contracts in the past with others, please do not apply.
- Bred-By: If we are the breeder of a given dog, we may still opt to check with the breeders/owners of a particular dog’s parents to ensure they are also in favor of the sale of a show dog. If we are not the breeder of a given dog, even if there was no sales contract associated with the sale of the dog to us, we would alert the breeder of the potential sale. So, if you were to express an interest in a dog that was not bred-by us; but, you are not on good-terms with that dog’s breeder, we wouldn’t be able to further explore the sale of that dog. And, unless you are inquiring about the availability of a dog that we did not breed because you are interested in campaigning the dog as a special, you are not offering anything for the dog that we are not already providing…. so, the likelihood that we would consider your offer is slim.
Standard Pricing Guide
- Anyone who had sent a previous deposit is subject to the purchase price in effect at the time when it was sent.
- Anyone who has previously purchased a pet Siberian from Jalerran gets $100 off of the next Siberian.
- All shipping costs, including airport transport, are the responsibility of the purchaser.
Unless it is otherwise noted, the standard prices are in USD and as follows:
Description | Starting Price | Additional Information |
Pet Puppy | $1,400.00 | 8 weeks |
Show Prospect Puppy | $1,400.00 | Leaving at 8 weeks |
Show Prospect – Older Puppy | $1,400.00 + $100/week, past 8 weeks old | Usually applies to those going overseas, as they must be old enough to meet import/export requirements. This price does not include expenses related to shipping! |
Adult Show Prospect | $5,000.00 | Will have applicable hip/eye clearances. Will be a proven sire or dam. |
Finished AKC Champion | $10,000.00 | Will have applicable hip/eye clearances. |
Adult Female – Retiring | FREE (plus cost of spay) | Adult females are available between 6 – 7 years of age. $100 non-refundable deposit required in order to reserve. |
Custodial Agreement (Pet Home) | $1,000 + Terms | Usually males – pet home serves as custodial holder of a show dog we’d have otherwise kept, until he gets collected at the repro-vet in Pittsburgh (at our expense). Then, he gets neutered, and is exclusively owned by the custodial home. |
Click here for our Online Application
Future Possible Puppies
Our future possible planned litters are outlined below. Please review our purchasing policies in detail, and contact us if you are interested in progressing with the application process.
Deposit Policy
*** We take deposits in advance of our litters. By no later than 8 weeks of age (typically earlier) we make our show puppy selections. Then, we go in the order that deposits are received for pet picks.
If we do not have the color/gender deposit holders are seeking, they have the option of waiting for the next litter, as they are not required to pick from the puppies available. Their deposit moves up in the order of picks as those already in line above them make their selections. Deposits are $100, and are non-refundable.
So, what we tell folks who must have a puppy immediately, or who are very specific about the coat/eye color/gender they are seeking is, don't send us a deposit. We'd be happy to refer you to other breeders who may have what you're looking for, but we can't predict with exact certainty the colors of the puppies that will be born, nor which will be kept for show, nor which will be selected by a deposit holder already in line.
Most people who send us a deposit do so because they like our contract/guarantee. Many people also have preferences, but if they send us a deposit, then they are either willing to wait for a puppy meeting that description, or they are at least somewhat flexible on which colors/genders they would like. We do not refund deposits (any money paid towards a puppy).
If you would like a puppy from one of our planned litters, a deposit is strongly recommended. Deposits are accepted from approved homes only. Please review our purchasing policies for further information.
Contracts & Forms
- Current Pricing Options
- Deposits ($100, non-refundable)
- Jalerran Contract
- Stud Contract
- Jalerran Manual
- Puppy Preparations
- Return Form
Please feel free to review our purchasing policies, and then contact us about current availability.
Our online application questionnaire available for your convenience, or you can use our Contact Form to request additional information.